To Chrome users and others with (major) scaling problems.

I just activated an itch.io option to allow full screen. That way the game seems to size (close to) properly in all brower :)

Still a unfinished game, but maybe you enjoy the view...


- click on the fields to plant your ressources

- click on the arrows to walk

- when you walk past a planted ressource, you collect it

- each step takes energy (if you run out before reaching a blue field, you lose)


This is game is still somewhat buggy, but we plan to fix it up after the voting. 

Currently our pictures are a bit of clickbait! :3

We have quite some stuff implemented, which is just not active yet. 
(Mr. Tickles sadly won't have the chance to battle the bee for example!)

The rescaling doesn't work properly yet and we sadly failed to have a fixed size in our current build. Please adjust it similar to the screenshot (if you like :3) .

Features we want to add/update/improve upon:
- Fix Screensizing
- Add more events (currently just 2 are setup)
- Enable battle events (mostly implemented)
- Better use of alchemy and potions
- Dialogues with NPC/Customers
- Add more lose and win conditions
- Debug ressource management

Published 2 days ago
StatusIn development
GenreSimulation, Role Playing, Strategy, Visual Novel
Made withGodot


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(1 edit) (+1)

To Chrome users and others: I just activated an itch.io option to allow full screen. That way the game seems to size (close to) properly in all browers.

Still a unfinished game, but maybe you enjoy the view...

The web build didn't even fit my screen

Yeah - sadly we were in a hurry and hoped to upload a hotfix for the game. Sadly not possible in this jam. At least you got a cute selife of Mr. Tickles this way! :3


I just found an option to allow fullscreen via itch.io.
I guess that would solve your problem. Doesn't change that the upload itself is still in a very early alpha phase there, my apologies. Hope to welcome you again once we are allowed to update! :)


It fixed the problem, thanks!

Happy to help!

Looks really cute, but I didn't understand how to play :(, please leave some instructions

I wrote some instructions into the summary ^^ thank you for your patience!

Oh, now I get it,  thanks!

The concept is cool, but a lot of work has to be done, of course, especially on the side of user-friendliness. Good luck finishing the game after the voting, it's cute as heck! ^^

thank you for your encouragement!! we will try our best ^^

Thank you a lot! Yes - we focused on implementing stuff and hoped to update "user-friendliness" in form of a help text and such with the hot fix. Sadly there seem to be no hotfixes q.q