Pyramid Escape

Pyramid Escape (Working Title) is a 3D Dungeon Crawler using pixel art sprites and grid based movment in the style of old school classic rpg games.

You can collect items, fight monsters and explore the dungeon. As a solodev in the jam my time was short ofc! I hope you enjoy it none the lesss. Appreciate your support. Have fun!

Controls / Help:

You will help and controls in the game. There is no audio control yet, please consider being careful with your volume. And as a sidenote: You wont have audio before you click the game popup. (in case of popup)

Known Issues

(Some known issues, unfixed due to the hard deadline)

- Energy Potions are sadly categorized as equipment, you can't drink them  :(

- The enemy detection for the attack button is off one grid, you can either position yourself well or just use the mouse and the still implemented raycasthits

p.s. Fighting with raycast is op anyway ;p


This project was part of the 8-bits to infinity game jam and still under development.

The game jam was my first ever solo gamejam! It was a lot of fun and I hope to contiue the project, maybe even as a commercial release.

If you enjoy the game or at least the concept pritty please consider following me, sharing the game and if you like you can support me ofc! Thank you

CC-0 Sources

+ a button click sound CC0 which I used in several jams, sadly don't have the source anymore :/



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